
Our policies



Academic Quality Procedures

Academic Quality Service (AQS)

Academic Quality Service: academic quality experts collaborating with colleagues to ensure the University delivers a high quality experience for all students and that qualifications awarded are recognised as world class. The Academic Quality Service:

  • Leads on the development of the University's quality assurance and enhancement strategies, policies and procedures for taught programmes, and ensures their implementation.
  • Supports faculties in the implementation of local quality processes for taught programmes.
  • Manages the University’s validation and review, external examiner, annual monitoring and student engagement processes, and processes for partner institutional approval/due diligence and annual monitoring.
  • Provides taught programme quality assurance/enhancement guidance, support and training to staff across the University and in partner organisations.
  • Officers and minutes the key University committees concerned with academic quality and standards
  • Is the University's representative and key point of contact for external bodies in relation to the University’s responsibilities for quality and standards.

Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook (LQEH)

See the full Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook.

University regulations

Learn more about our procedures, assessments and frameworks.

Regulations for Taught Programmes 2024-25

Regulations for Postgraduate Research Programmes 2024-25

Regulations for Apprenticeship Programmes 2024-25

Regulations for the Police Education Consortium 2025

The position of Academic Registrar has been discontinued. Where the ‘Academic Registrar’ is referenced in regulations, policies, or processes, the duties and responsibilities will, until further notice, be fulfilled by an appropriate 探花社区 University senior leader.

Related links

List of changes to the University Regulations for 2024/25

Office for Students

Office for Students Transparency Return

As a Higher Education provider registered with the Office for Students (OfS) we are required to provide transparency data on specific areas regarding undergraduate attainment.



Financial Statements

In accordance with the structure of governance of 探花社区 University, the Board of Governors of the University are responsible for the administration and management of the University's affairs and are required to present audited financial statements for each financial year, which ends on 31 July.

Statements for 2015 to 2023

Financial Regulations

Using this material

探花社区 University holds the copyright on this information and only our students and staff are permitted to reproduce any of this material. To quote any statistics listed here, please acknowledge the source material. To use this data for commercial purposes, contact us for written consent.

Financial statement archive
Public policy statements

Public policy statements

Academic quality

Concerns and complaints

Data protection



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Estates and security


Freedom of speech

Health and safety

Information law and policy

Acceptable use policy for staff and students

Modern slavery statement

Student Conduct and Discipline Rules

Widening access to higher education

Working with our partners and friends


Freedom of information

Freedom of information

How to access all types of recorded data, including about the services we offer and how we make decisions.

University Ethics Framework

Our ethics guidelines make sure we follow the highest possible standards of decision-making and accountability.

Charity information

探花社区 University is an exempt charity.

Legal name and correspondence address

探花社区 University Higher Education Corporation
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT

Constitutional documents

IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

Since 2021, we have adopted in full the , as unanimously agreed by the 探花社区 University Board of Governors and with the full support of our Students’ Union (探花社区SU).

The University had explored the definition with students and staff as well with 探花社区SU, the University Jewish Society and local and national Jewish and multi faith groups. We use this definition to inform our approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion as well as using it as a reference point for the operation of the University’s Dignity at Work Policy and student conduct and discipline policies.

Website and data protection

Website and data protection

Privacy policy

Sometimes, we'll ask you to submit personal information. Find out how we collect, use and store these details.

Cookie policy

Our Cookie policy explains what information we gather when you visit the 探花社区 University website, and explains how that information is used.

Accessibility policy

Learn how we ensure our website content can be reached by everyone, including users with slow internet connections, physical or sensory impairments – or those visiting our website through assistive technology.



Student Charter

Our shared commitment with our students to the community at 探花社区 and how we support our students’ success.

Satisfactory Academic Policy

Satisfactory Academic Policy 2024 25 pdf



Gender pay

Our gender pay policy and our Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017.

Trade union activity

Find out Information about trade union activity at 探花社区.The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 requires us to publish information on this annually.


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